
Marcela Lichtensztejn
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist
Lic. en Artes Musicales
Educadora musical
Araneo, J., Escudero, FI, Arbizu, MAM, Trivarelli, CB, Van Den Dooren, MC, Lichtensztejn, M. & Lepez, C. (2024).Wellness and Integrative Health Education Campaign by undergraduate students in Music Therapy. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue, 4, 117-117
Lichtensztejn, M., Benavides, M., Galdona, C. & Canova-Barrios CJ. (2023) Knowledge of students of the Faculty of Health Sciences about Music Therapy. Seminars in Medical Writing and Education, 2, 35-35
Lichtensztejn, M. & Bruzzese, F. (2023). Plan de Tratamiento en Musicoterapia. Revista Científica de UCES, 28(1), (1-8). Recuperado a partir de
Cuchero, A., Canova Barrios, C. & Lichtensztejn, M (2023). Musicoterapia y Habilidades Sociales en Niños con Autismo; Una revisión de literatura.
Ghetti, C. M., Gaden, T. S., Bieleninik, Ł., Kvestad, I., Assmus, J., Stordal, A. S., Aristizabal Sanchez, L., Arnon, S., Dulsrud, J., Elefant, C., Epstein, S., Ettenberger, M., Glosli, H., Konieczna-Nowak, L., Lichtensztejn, M., Wolf Lindvall, M., Mangersnes, J., Murcia Fernández, L., Janner Røed, C., Saá, G., Van Roy, B., Vederhus, B. & Gold, C. (2023). Effect of Music Therapy on Parent-Infant Bonding Among Infants Born Preterm: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 6(5), e2315750-e2315750. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15750
Ghetti, C. M., Gaden, T. S., Bieleninik, Ł., Kvestad, I., Assmus, J., Stordal, A. S., Aristizabal Sanchez, L.F., Arnon, S., Dulsrud, J.,Elefant, C., Epstein, S., Ettenberger, E., Glosli, H., Konieczna-Nowak, L., Lichtensztejn, M, Wolf Lindvall, M., Mangersnes, J., Murcia Fernández, L., ; Janner Røed, C., Saá, G., Van Roy, B., Vederhus, B., & Gold, C. (2023). Effect of Music Therapy on Parent-Infant Bonding Among Infants Born Preterm: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 6(5), e2315750-e2315750.
Lichtensztejn, M. (2022). Memory for music and Alzheimer’s Disease. Case report. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología,2, 92.
Gaden, T. S., Ghetti, C., Kvestad, I., Bieleninik, Ł., Stordal, A. S., Assmus, J., Arnon,S., Elefant, C., Epstein,S., Ettenberger, M., Lichtensztejn, M., Lindvall, M.W., Mangersnes, J., Janner, C.J., Vederhus, B.J. & Gold, C. (2022). Short-term Music Therapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics https://doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797
Lichtensztejn M. (ed.) (2020). Proceedings International Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Symposium: Music, diversity and transformation. Buenos Aires: EditUCES. ISBN 978-987-1850-46-4
Lichtensztejn, M. (2020). Diversity and Transformation: Current developments in Nordoff-Robbins music therapy in Lichtensztejn (Eds) Proceedings International Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Symposium, pp 62-68. Buenos Aires: EditUCES ISBN 978-987-1850-46-4
Lichtensztejn, M. (2018). Capítulo 5: Neurodiversidad y Música. En Rattazzi (Ed.) Lo que no te contaron acerca del autismo (pp.133-158). Buenos Aires: Editorial Bonum
Mondanaro, J. F., Homel, P., Lonner, B., Shepp, J., Lichtensztejn, M., & Loewy, J. V. (2017). Music Therapy Increases Comfort and Reduces Pain in Patients Recovering From Spine Surgery. American journal of orthopedics, 46(1), E13–E22.
Lichtensztejn, M., Macchi, P., & Lischinsky, A. (2014). Music Therapy and Disorders of Consciousness: Providing Clinical Data for Differential Diagnosis between Vegetative State and Minimally Conscious State from Music-Centered Music Therapy and Neuroscience Perspectives. Music Therapy Perspectives, 32(1), 47–55.
Magee, W., Gray, D., Lichtensztejn, M., O´Connor, R. and O´Kelly, J (2014). Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness: Research Innovations to Guide Best Practice in Proceedings of the Music Therapy World Congress, pp 258-259. Music Therapy Today Journal
Lichtensztejn, M., Macchi, P., Chade, A., Fontela, M. E., & Lischinsky, A. (2012). Differential Diagnosis for Minimally Conscious State Through Conducive and Contributive Music Therapy Interventions (abstract #34), in Abstracts Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012; 24:255–258 (available online at
Lichtensztejn, M (2013). El cerebro musical: Música y aprendizaje. En Alexia, R. (Eds). El cerebro que aprende : una mirada a la educación desde las neurociencias, pp.149-162. Aique Grupo Editor.
Lichtensztejn, M. (2013). Notas musicales en la primera infancia. En Rattazzi (Eds). Cómo Acompañar el Desarrollo de tu Hijo y no Morir en el Intento, pp.217-231. Buenos Aires: Editorial Bonum.
Lichtensztejn, M. (2009). The clinical use of piano with patients suffering from breathing distress related to pain in Azoulay and Loewy (Eds) Music, the Breath & health: Advances in Integrative Music Therapy. New York : Satchnote Press
Lichtensztejn, M. (2009). Música y Medicina: La aplicación especializada de la música en el área de la salud [Music and medicine: The especialized use of music in the health field]. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Elemento. ISBN: 9789871631001.